Sunday, June 27, 2010

Maze Cartoon of Roman Colosseum dark as night as the lights are turned off in solidarity with Gilad Shalit, prisoner in Gaza. By Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon of Roman Colosseum dark as night as the lights are turned off in solidarity with Gilad Shalit, prisoner in Gaza.
maze cartoon of midnight for gilad shalit at the colosseum
Cartoon maze of The Roman Colosseum dark as night as the lights are shut off at midnight in solidarity with Gilad Shalit. One of the characters remarks, "They should shut off the lights in Gaza at midnight for solidarity. Created by Yonatan Frimer
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Rome to switch off lights of Colosseum at midnight for Gilad

On Thursday evening the lights of the Colosseum in Rome will be turned off in solidarity with kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit. Noam Schalit, Gilad's father, will be in attendance along with the Roman citizens and the representatives of local and national Italian institutions.

According to organizers, the gathering is meant to send a message to the world: "Free Gilad now". Speeches will be given by Noam Schalit and the mayor of Rome, and pictures of Gilad will be screened. At 11 pm (midnight in Israel) the lights of the Colosseum will be turned off.

"We immediately launched the campaign for Shalit because we feel the burden of anxiety”, the President of the Jewish Community of Rome, Riccardo Pacifici, says.

Last summer Rome's Mayor Gianni Alemanno bestowed honorary citizenship on Gilad. The City of Rome has strongly supported the initiative in the Colosseum. Other cities in Italy have joined, and some of the municipalities will turn off the lights at some of their monuments.

"We want to sensitize public opinion and strongly assert our values, which belong to civil society as a whole, first of all the value of freedom. This event is first and foremost an expression of our strong support of the State of Israel,” Pacifici said.

Click to read the full article at the source

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kids Can 'Discover' fun at science camp

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Squeals erupt from the children as the black and white rat scurries through a maze of brightly colored foam puzzle pieces and cardboard boxes, searching for the elusive cheese.

Unable to locate the cheese, the rat is at a standstill, prompting Michelle McPherson, director of school programs at Port Discover, to encourage the Port Discover Sensational Science camp-goers to modify the layout of the maze.

Quickly the group of eight to 12-year-olds moves into action in an ultimate display of teamwork using their recently acquired knowledge of positive reinforcement and learned animal behaviors to construct a new maze.

The best way to learn is through hands-on activities, said McPherson, an Elizabeth City State University graduate and former high school biology teacher.

Port Discover is Elizabeth City’s hands-on science museum for children. This summer marks the first series of summer camps since the center moved into its expanded space on Main Street. Port Discover director LuAnne Pendergraft says the larger space is allowing the center to offer expanded activities for the children, such as this week’s science camp aimed at teaching kids a variety of scientific techniques.

Moses McDaniel, Port Discover educator and ECSU research associate, demonstrated “laboratory techniques” on Monday helping campers create their own bacteria slides.

“It is absolutely great to see

them excited about science,” said McDaniel.

Sensational Science Camp attendees were introduced to the themes of microbiology, animal science, space exploration, technology/design and water quality this week. Camper Chaz McDaniel, 11, was excited to design and launch a water bottle rocket during Wednesday’s space exploration day.

McPherson said the space exploration theme was a result of requests for space themed projects on surveys at the end of last year’s summer science camp at Port Discover. The surveys at the end of each camp provide valuable feedback for planning future events.

The success of Port Discover’s programs has been maintained since its creation five years ago through the collaborative efforts of the staff, local government, community sponsors and Elizabeth City State University, according to Pendergraft.

“We wouldn’t be able to do what we are doing without the guidance of the university,” said Pendergraft.

The university’s “expertise of faculty,” “shared resources,” and presence of faculty on the 2010 Port Discover Board of Directors has led to “true community collaboration.”

Pendergraft said Port Discover has also been able to thrive through the recently purchased property that previously contained the Pasquotank Arts Council.

After moving into the larger space in March, the program was able to increase the number of participants in programs, decrease off-site travel and provide children with a “freer space to learn in,” said Pendergraft.

The larger facility contains a computer area with two computers loaded with science software, science board games and an Interactive Gallery that is open to the public. Enticing games like the cell require users “to match organelles with their functions,” by pressing buttons as a large model of a cell lights up with each selection. Another game asks users to pull a lever as they watch two balloon like lungs fill with air in a torso.

Glass habitats provide the onlooker with a glimpse into the activities of fish, Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, toads, frogs, tadpoles and snakes. There is also a toddler area with “very basic” activities that provide an introduction to science, said Pendergraft.

Wendy Pierce, Port Discover director of community programs and ECSU graduate, said one of the best aspects of working with the program is the “ability to be creative in an informal learning environment.”

Pierce said the scientific method and North Carolina Standard Course of Study are used in the implementation of lessons and programs.

It is vital that we “spark a continued interest” in the areas of science, math and technology, said Pierce.

Port Discover will provide a Discovery Days camp for five to seven-year-olds June 28 to June 30.

Pendergraft said the Port Discover camps provide “quality fun” in a scientific environment.

Maze of Monkey Illusion - 2009
Optical illusion maze caused by conflicting horizontal and vertical lines.

maze of monkey illusion medium InkBlotMazes Ink Blot Mazes, By Yonatan Frimer, your humble maze artist

Maze Illusion - Artwork by Yonatan Frimer

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Maze Cartoon of Tony Hayward sailing around the Isle of Wight on "Bob" By Yonatna Frimer

Maze Cartoon of Tony Hayward sailing around the Isle of Wight on "Bob"
maze cartoon of Tony Hayward sailing bob
Cartoon maze of Tony Hayward sailing around the Isle of Wight on his boat "Bob" while the Oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico gets worse and worse. He exclaims, "Holy %#&*, this water is so much clearer than in the Gulf of Mexico." Created by Yonatan Frimer
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BP chief's weekend sailing trip stokes anger at oil company

Pictures of Tony Hayward yachting at the Isle of Wight billed as a PR nightmare and insulting to those affected by oil slick

Crew aboard the yacht belonging to BP chief executive Tony Hayward (standing, in black cap)

Crew aboard the yacht belonging to BP chief executive Tony Hayward at the Isle of Wight. Photograph: Chris Ison/PA

Images of the beleaguered BP chief executive, Tony Hayward, attending a yacht race on the Isle of Wight, just 48 hours after a hostile interrogation by a US congressional committee on the Gulf Coast oil spill, have provoked sharp criticism on both sides of the Atlantic.

President Barack Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, condemned Hayward's attendance at the event as "part of a long line of PR gaffes and mistakes" on ABC television, adding: "I think that we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR consulting".

Click here to read the full article.

Maze Of Monkeys jumping off a building in 3-D maze goodnessMaze of Monkeys in 3-D
Maze Kong - by Yonatan Frimer

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Iranian & Turkish hands milk the flotilla ordeal - Cartoon Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Milking the flotilla ordeal for all it's worth;
Maze Cartoon by Yonatan Frimer

maze cartoon of flotilla cow being milked by iran and turkey
Cartoon maze of a cow being milked. The utters are labeled "Flotilla Ordeal" , the arms that squeeze the milk out are labeled "Iran" and "Turkey" and the pail that has the milk says on it "Got PR?" Created by Yonatan Frimer

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Articles on the maze's topic:

Joel Hilliker
A Good Excuse to End a Bad Relationship

Israel could see what was coming. Before the convoy set sail, Israeli leaders pleaded with Turkish officials to stop it; they offered to allow the supplies to be delivered through an Israeli checkpoint. But Erdoğan’s government let it go anyway. Thus, Israel had no choice but to intervene directly. And those on the boat made sure it turned violent.

Now, Turkey is milking the event for all it’s worth. It accused Israel of state-sponsored terrorism. It compared the psychological impact of the incident on Turks to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on Americans. Turkish President Abdullah Gül called the Israeli raid a crime against humanity and said Israeli-Turkish relations will never be the same. Erdoğan labeled it a massacre. Turkish armed forces announced several cutbacks in cooperation with Israeli forces. The government also offered to supply Turkish naval protection for the next “aid” convoy to Gaza; “This would be, in effect, an act of war,” wrote Mark Steyn, “—more to the point, an act of war by a nato member against the State of Israel.”

(Read the full article on The Trumpet)

What do the Swedish Gaza activists hope to achieve?
What do the Swedish Gaza activists hope to achieve?
.....Who actually profited from what happened? Well, most analysts agree that the biggest beneficiaries are the radical Islamists of the Middle East, notably Hamas, the terrorist organization which currently rules Gaza. Hamas won a major PR victory and gained valuable international legitimacy at the expense of moderate Palestinians and the Fatah leadership of the West Bank. Politically this is a boost for those Palestinians who object to peace negotiations with Israel, and prefer the more violent path of jihad, the so-called holy war against Israel and the non-Muslim world.

In Turkey, Islamist extremists are milking the incident to win easy points against secular and modernising forces. Iran is delighted that the world’s attention is being diverted away from its nuclear programme and arms deals with Hezbollah and Syria. As so often before in the Middle-East, the rhetoric of peace and freedom becomes a tool to strengthen despotic, terror-sponsoring regimes which scoff at both. This happened largely because, as Israeli author David Grossman put it, Israel acted like a puppet on strings pulled by a small fanatical Turkish organization......

Read the full article on The Local, a Swedish paper in English

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Maze cartoon of Iran stuck between a rock and a hard place. By Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon:
Iran is stuck between a rock (Iraq) and a hard place (Afghanistan) Created by Yonatan Frimer

maze cartoon of Iran stuck between a rock and a hard place

Maze cartoon of a map of the middle-east. Iran is marked as "Stuck" and Iraq is "A Rock" and Afghanistan is marked "A Hard Place. To allude to the fact that Iran is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Created by Yonatan Frimer
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Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon
Political Maze on Go Comics
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The United Nations Security Council approved a new round of sanctions against Iran last week for its refusal to curb the country's nuclear program, which the U.S. and its allies suspect is aimed at producing weapons. Iran denies that.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran favors a dialogue with the West, but will announce its conditions soon. He said the carrot-and-stick approach doesn't work and Iran will not make "one iota of concessions" to the West.

"You showed bad temper, reneged on your promise and again resorted to devilish manners," he said of the powers that imposed sanctions. "We set conditions (for talks) so that, God willing, you'll be punished a bit and sit at the negotiating table like a polite child," he told a crowd during a visit to the central Iranian town of Shahr-e-Kord. His speech was broadcast live on state TV.

Click here to read the full AP article

Some other popular mazes:

Maze Of Monkeys jumping off a building in 3-D maze goodnessMaze of Monkeys in 3-D
Maze Kong - by Yonatan Frimer

Mushroom Maze
mushroom maze
Maze-a-delic by Yonatan Frimer

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rodent of the Week: How habits are formed

Rodent of the Week: How habits are formed

June 11, 2010

Rodent_of_the_week When I was in high school, I had to drive a long distance on a freeway to get to school. After arriving, I often wondered how I got there. I didn't remember the drive or even thinking about driving.

This feeling is a common (and, yes, somewhat scary) experience that a group of neuroscientists think they can better explain. In an experiment with rats, researchers at MIT identified two distinct neural circuits in the brain that show distinct changes when the rats were learning to navigate a maze and, later, after they mastered the task.

The rats were placed in a maze that had chocolate sprinkles at the end. The activity in specific parts of their brains was analyzed as they learned the maze, which included a T-juncture where they had to stop and choose to turn right or left. The rats performed the maze repeatedly until they had learned it.

The study showed that one specific neural circuit became stronger with practice. A second neural circuit showed high activity occurring at times when the rats had to make a decision in the maze. But as they learned the maze, activity in this circuit declined. The task had become habitual.

So, arriving at school in one piece wasn't just a matter of luck. "It is good to know that we can train our brains to develop good habits and avoid bad ones," the lead author of the study, Ann Graybiel, said in a news release.

Understanding how specific regions of the brain change through learning could help in developing new treatments for brain-based diseases. The study was published Thursday in the journal Neuron.

-- Shari Roan

Photo credit: Advanced Cell Technology Inc.

Some cool mazes, maze art and maze cartoons
Mushroom maze
Maze A Delical
Maze of Mushrooms by Yonatan Frimer 2006
Maze Portrait of Albert Einstein.
Celebrity, artword, celebrities, portraits, famous,  Portait maze of albert einstein
"Genius Maze" - By Y. Frimer

Maze Cartoon of Erdogans comparison of Flotilla raid to September 11th.

Maze cartoon of erdogan on flotilla and armenian genocide

Maze cartoon of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan comparing the Flotilla raid to September 11th. Someone from the crowd asks how it would "stack up against the Armenian Genocide." Created by Yonatan Frimer
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Maze Cartoon UN Bombing Iran with Sanctions By Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon UN Bombing Iran with Sanctions By Yonatan Frimer
maze cartoon of Iran bombed by sanctions. By Yonatan Frimer
Cartoon maze of a UN fighter jet dropping bombed marked "Sanctions" on Iran, while he has other with the name of known targets and the pilot says, "If these don't work, then we drop the real ones!" Created by Yonatan Frimer
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More on this maze's topic:

U.N. imposes another round of sanctions on Iran

UNITED NATIONS -- After several months of grueling diplomacy, the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday imposed a fourth round of sanctions on Iran's military establishment -- a move that the United States and other major powers said should prompt the Islamic Republic to restart stalled political talks over the future of its nuclear program.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the foreign ministers of allied nations asked the European Union's chief diplomat to pursue talks with Iran at the "earliest possible opportunity," and President Obama asserted that "these sanctions do not close the door on diplomacy."

"We think that the sanctions send a kind of message to the entire Iranian leadership, which.... (Read Source Article)

Maze Cartoon Chemtrails Vs. Kassam Rockets By Yonatan Frimer

Cartoon Maze Chemtrails Vs. Kassam Rockets By Yonatan Frimer
maze cartoon of chemtrails vs kassams Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon of two monkeys talking about the skies in the USA and in Israel. In the USA there are "Chemtrails from who knows what" and in Israel their are Qassams that "We know are from Gaza" Created by Yonatan Frimer
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Daily maze cartoon, Political Maze, By Yonatan Frimer
Ink Blot Mazes - Maze Art by Yonatan Frimer
Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon - Updated Daily!
One of Yonatan Frimer's Maze Blogs

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Week In The Life Of Helen Thomas, A Maze Cartoon by Yonatan Frimer

Maze cartoon of a week in the life of Helen Thomas. By Yonatan Frimer

Week in the life of Helen Thomas

Maze cartoon of a week in the life of Helen Thomas. First she tells the Jews to go back to Germany, then says she is sorry, then quits her job.
Created by Yonatan Frimer
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Links to more Yonatan Frimer Mazes:
Latest maze cartoons on Team Of Monkeys Political Maze
Political Maze - Daily cartoon on Go Comics
Ink Blot Maze - Maze Art by Yonatan Frimer
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Helen Thomas's controversial voice

I am appalled that Helen Thomas's comments on Israel prevent her from speaking at Walt Whitman High School's commencement ["Helen Thomas bows out of speech," Metro, June 7]. I am also disgusted that Ari Fleischer and Lanny Davis conducted a campaign to punish Ms. Thomas, no doubt as retribution for her outspoken questions when they served in earlier administrations. Freedom of speech, however, is lost to their petty maneuvering.

Most of us would not agree with Ms. Thomas's unfortunate and seemingly uninformed comments about where Jews might live in peace. But she has the right to say what she thinks, and listeners can decide whether she is foolish, biased and out of touch. Had she spoken at Whitman, perhaps she would have retracted, perhaps she would have lamented further . . . or maybe not.

Whitman's cancellation under...Read entire article

Photography Prints

Some other popular mazes:

Cartoon Maze: Sh*t My Son Tweets By Yonatan Frimer

Cartoon Maze: Sh*t My Son Tweets By Yonatan Frimer
Shit my son calls a maze
Maze cartoon of The Dad of Sh*t My Dad Says saying, "The book ought to be called "Shit My Son Tweets" or "Twitters" or whatever young people call it. Created by Yonatan Frimer
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Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon
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More on this maze's topic:

Shit My Dad Says Twitter Account Inspires New TV Sitcom Starring William Shatner

Little did Justin Halpern know that his funny "Shit My Dad Says" Twitter postings would lead to a book deal and television show. Well, it did, and it's being picked up by CBS later this year, less than a year after securing a book deal.

Shit My Dad Says will star William Shatner as the father with a penchant for saying some really funny and weird stuff, like "We didn't accidentally kill a hooker, we had dinner!"

Halpern started the Twitter account to showcase the things his father would say to him, and the experiences they shared while living together in the same house.

(Click here to read the full article)

Photography Prints

Yonatan Frimer's Maze Kong 2006
Maze of Monkeys in 3-D

Links to More Yonatan Frimer Mazes:
Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon
Daily Maze - Political maze on GoComics
Maze Art on Ink Blot Mazes
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Yonatan Frimer's Mushroom Maze
mushroom maze

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cartoon Maze: Not the size of the boat, It's the motion of the ocean... By Yonatan Frimer

Cartoon Maze: Not the size of the boat... By Yonatan Frimer

Not the size of the maze, its the motion of the pen

Maze cartoon of Bibi Netanyahu and PM Erdogan in the mens room, sizing each other up. Erdogan has a scronful look on his face and defends, "It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean" Created by Yonatan Frimer
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Team Of Monkeys - Maze Cartoons
Ink Blot Mazes - Maze Art
Go Comics - Political Maze
Buy Print On Demand Maze Art

More on this maze's topic:

Turkey's Erdogan bears responsibility in flotilla fiasco

WESTERN GOVERNMENTS have been right to be concerned about Israel's poor judgment and botched execution in the raid against the Free Gaza flotilla. But they ought to be at least as worried about the Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which since Monday has shown a sympathy toward Islamic militants and a penchant for grotesque demagoguery toward Israel that ought to be unacceptable for a member of NATO.

On the opposite page today, Turkey's ambassador to the United States makes the argument that Israel had no cause to clash with the "European lawmakers, journalists, business leaders and an 86-year-old Holocaust survivor" who were aboard the flotilla. But there...(read full article)

Art Prints

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cartoon Maze: Who you calling chicken? By Yonatan Frimer

Cartoon Maze: Who you calling chicken? By Yonatan FrimerMaze cartoon on Turkey saying "who you calling chicken" by Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon of a bunch of chickens, labeled with the name of terrorist groups around a Turkey, labeled AKP, the ruling party in Turkey, and the Turkey exclaims, "Who you calling chicken!" Created by Yonatan Frimer
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Latest Team Of Monkeys Political Maze Cartoons
Political Maze on Go Comics - Get daily maze cartoon
Maze art on Ink Blot Mazes
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More on this maze's topic:

Erdogan: Hamas not terror group

"Hamas's resistance fighters were meant to defend their land. They won an election. I've told American officials before that I do not consider Hamas a terror organization, and I still don't. They are defending their land," he was quoted by Turkish media as saying.

- Click here to read the full article -